Free EV charging service to end 30th June 2023

From 1st July 2023, Silverlink Shopping Park will be charging visitors to use the public electric vehicle (EV) Chargepoint stations.
We have always been proud to offer our Chargepoints for free, however due to the rise in energy costs and increased demand, this is unfortunately no longer financially viable.
To ensure a cost neutral approach, the Pod Point pricing is based on our energy costs, and will be set at 44p per kwh. The tariff will be reviewed periodically to ensure a competitive and a commercially viable solution is met for our users.
The EV Chargepoints will continue to offer an efficient and convenient service, so you can top up your vehicle whilst enjoying all that we have to offer at Silverlink Shopping Park.
You can easily make payments via the free-to-download mobile app or by contactless payment. You can download the Pod Point app via The App Store or Google Play.
*Prices dependent on electric tariff. Please check Pod Point app for up-to-date pricing.